Disability Support

Is there an Office of Disability Services?
Yes. Each campus has a disability specialist who will work with your student to develop an accommodation plan. Documentation is required.

Dining Services

Can you accommodate my student’s dietary restrictions?
Yes. Special accommodations for dietary and health allergen needs are managed and documented by the Learning Commons Department. From there a student meets with Dining Services management to determine how best to accommodate the restriction within the meal plan structure.
Can my student receive a refund for points not used by their expiration date or can my student opt out of the CIA Meal Plan?
The board fee, encompassing the CIA Meal Plan at CIA, is a mandatory component for all students attending CIA and is non-refundable. This policy is outlined in detail within the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook. The CIA Meal Plan operates on a points system, with allocations determined by the number of “class days” as outlined in the Academic Calendar.

Center for Career and Academic Advising

How do students find CIA-approved externship and internship sites?
All students have access to Culinary Connect, CIA’s database of approved externship/internship sites, which also houses all job opportunities for students and graduates.
Are there international externship sites?
Yes, students will need to familiarize themselves with any language and/or travel documentation requirements (passport, visa, etc.).