Parents of Current CIA Texas Students

Greetings Parents and Families!

The support of your student’s journey is an essential ingredient for success. As we tell the students often, your mise en place, a French term meaning everything in its place, in the kitchens and classrooms (their workspace), residence halls (their living space) and self-care (their space) is paramount to their independent thinking and creative development. As parents, family, and friends you will contribute to your student’s college journey, and we want to be sure that you do not miss opportunities to assist your student. Knowing important dates and communications will help you to stay connected to your student and to CIA. Our hope is this will serve as your journey’s mise en place.

Academic Calendar

  • At CIA, our academic calendar is structured into three semesters: Fall, Spring, and Summer, each accompanied by dedicated intersession periods. These intersessions offer students valuable opportunities to rejuvenate and prepare for the upcoming semester. Learn more about the academic calendar.

CIA Student Conduct

  • To learn more about the academic rules and regulations or student affairs policies visit out Student Code of Conduct.

Privacy of Student Records

  • The Culinary Institute of America takes seriously the confidentiality of personally identifiable information (PII) of all our constituents including students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, visitors, vendors, and more.

    The privacy of student records is protected by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This means CIA is prohibited from providing information from a student’s Education Record without the student’s written consent unless such disclosure is permitted under FERPA—most commonly directory information.

    Students have been informed, and are reminded annually, that only they can grant parents and others access to their CIA records. Feel free to share this link with your student to grant us permission. Review CIA’s full FERPA Policy (PDF) for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Center for Career and Academic Advising

Does my student have an academic advisor?

Yes, every student has a career and academic advisor. The student can find the contact information on the student portal.

Are there international externship sites?

Yes, students will need to familiarize themselves with any language and/or travel documentation requirements (passport, visa, etc.).

How do students find CIA-approved externship and internship sites?

All students have access to Culinary Connect, CIA’s database of approved externship/internship sites, which also houses all job opportunities for students and graduates.

Disability Support

Is there an Office of Disability Services?

Yes. Each campus has a disability specialist who will work with your student to develop an accommodation plan. Documentation is required.

What are the library and tutoring center resources available to my student?

The Library Learning Commons is the Hub of academic support on all three campuses. The Library Learning Commons space offers:

  • Individual and group study areas
  • Tutoring and mentoring services
  • Kitchen space to practice knife cuts and piping skills
  • Disability services
  • Learning, studying, test prep, and time management strategies
  • Library research assistance
  • Workshops

Student Counseling and Psychological Services

Resources for Parents

Supporting Your Student and Yourself

The nationally recognized Mental Health Unit works with local authorities and the San Antonio Fire Department to help residents engage relevant mental health support and services.

Mental Health Unit, City of San Antonio

Student Health Services

Is student health insurance required?

Yes, CIA has incorporated a mandatory student health insurance plan renewable on an annual basis. The plan is offered to all domestic and international full-time students. Domestic students may waive out of the health insurance plan by providing proof of current, comparable health insurance coverage through a family or individual plan. International students are not eligible to opt out and must enroll in the plan offered by CIA. Cost of insurance for students starting in the Spring or Summer semester will be pro-rated accordingly. For more details about coverage and enrollment, please contact Haylor, Freyer & Coon at 1-866-535-0456 or email

Students taking the Global Cuisines and Cultures trip are encouraged to review international travel insurance options.

What if my student requires more comprehensive medical care?

Student Health Service staff works closely with providers in our local area. The clinical staff can provide referrals to off-campus primary care providers, specialists, dentists, optometrists, etc. when necessary. Staff can also refer students to local urgent care centers and emergency rooms if further emergent evaluation is needed.

Who is available for medical assistance after hours?

Students should call 911.

Where can my student get a prescription filled?

Students should contact their preferred and selected pharmacy. There are multiple options available within San Antonio metropolitan area.

Important Upcoming Dates

Reminders and Important Ways You Can Help

Every new student has an online orientation scheduled for their first semester. The online orientation covers topics such as digital literacy, how to register for classes, important college policies, how to navigate Moodle (course learning system), student code of conduct, food safety, and much more. Students will receive a certificate upon completion of the modules. This is an excellent opportunity for students as they transition to college and CIA.

Remind your student to sign up for Everbridge our CIA Emergency Notification System. For more information, visit

Fun Facts

  • At CIA, our academic calendar includes scheduled breaks for Spring, Summer, and Winter Intersessions. These intervals provide an ideal opportunity for students to unwind and rejuvenate before commencing the upcoming semester.
  • We can’t wait to welcome your student to the CIA alumni network—the food world’s most important and influential community. The industry needs your student now more than ever, and we know they will heed its call.

Important Contact Information

The Culinary Institute of America, San Antonio

312 Pearl Parkway, Building 2, Suite 2102 San Antonio, TX 78215